My first Prefect ETL Pipeline
Problem Statement
There is a business case where the organization is dependent on an API to fetch the data and luckily the data can be stored and used for downstream analytics later. This API costs a lot and the data also needs to be stored securely. But the idea is to not write a script which is put together of all the API calls panda conversions etc that will fail on the drop of a hat because it is meant as a one time usage
The script should
- re runnable
- configurable
- fast velocity of development
- easy to maintain.
- Create a function that fetches the data from the API
- Convert the API response into a dataframe
- Store the dataframe in a database
- Create a pipeline that does this in a sequence.
We are going to build the entire thing using prefect and python. I tried my hand at airflow but it just seemed so complex with binaries etc that prefect documentation seemed like a breeze.
0. Install prefect
Install this inside a vitual environment
pip install -U prefect
Code snippets
1. Create a function that fetches data from API
Since the API call that I have to make is a post API call, the input data to be sent in the request is stored as a modifiable content in a json and then loaded during the task phase. This would be a task in the prefect universe which is a smaller brick in the larger pipeline represented as a flow.
import requests
import json
def fetch_data(url, data):
response =, data=json.dumps(data))
return response.json()
2. Convert the API response into a dataframe
Once the response is obtained as json convert it into a dataframe by using pandas to concat if the dataframe is not empty and if empty just create a dataframe from json
3. Dumpt the Data to a Postgresql database using SQLAlchemy and pandas
Create a engine for dumping the data using SQLAlchemy and then use df.to_sql() method from pandas to just dump the data into the postgres table
Putting the above parts together
steps 1,2 and 3 are individual tasks in the pipeline, now just write a simple python function which will basically execute this in sequence and then add a @flow decorator to the top of the function something like this
from prefect import flow, task
def fetch_data(url, data):
def convert_to_df(response):
def dump_to_db(df):
def my_etl_pipeline():
response = fetch_data(url, data)
df = convert_to_df(response)
Now all that needs to be done is to run this script as if running a python script and this accomplished ETL and the localhost at port 4200 gives the dashboard of the task execution etc. Such a simple way to run simple workflows