There are numerous tutorials individually on what to do for multiple steps that I do while setting up a new instance such as

  1. Generating a SSH key and adding to the Github settings.
  2. Creating an anaconda environment and setting up the requirements
  3. Issues which come I generally face while creating environment and how I solve them

I thought it would be easier to put them in a blog for future reference. I generally take an Ubuntu instance and most of my commands are ubuntu commands please change the commands accordingly. I also use a VScode SSH remote extension to connect to the instance so that I can use VScode for remote development.

Generating the SSH key

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

substitute the github email address at “”

Source: SSH keygen

This will generate a private and public key pair at ~/.ssh/ in the local file system

Now cd ~/.ssh/ if your key is named differently select the corresponding location and copy it.

I generally do cat and then copy the output in the terminal. Go to settings in GitHub user profile and paste your key in SSH and GPG keys and name it appropriately.

Creating Anaconda Environment

  • Download Miniconda (I prefer it to anaconda as it is light and comes with very basic framework while conda is a monstrous piece of software which sometimes is a luxury to install on small VM’s)

Source : Install miniconda on Terminal

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash

restart the shell and we are ready to start

  • Create a new environment

conda create -n env_name replace env_name with the name of your environment.

  • Activate environment

conda activate env_name activates the environment

conda deactivate deactivates the environment

Problems to be solved

Sometimes the conda environment created is empty and in that case I do install pip and python manually by using

conda install python==version and conda install pip

As of Feb 2021 it is better to install python 3.8 as the dependencies on are easier for data science packages

Requirements file

Write a requirements file as a part of your repository to install the necessary packages

General structure of the requirements.txt are


Installing with Pip

Some packages that I use for development are not on conda so I use pip to install.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now the package is setup with the requirements and a conda environment and can be used for development.